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Grant Applications

For the past 15 years, the Terrell ISD Excellence Foundation has awarded more than $2,000,000 in grants to Terrell ISD teachers, schools, and students. It is the mission of the foundation to inspire and encourage excellence in education through these grant awards.

The Foundation has two grant cycles, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. Strategic grant applications are accepted and awarded in the Fall. Individual Teacher and Collaborative grant applications are accepted in the Spring and awarded the following Fall. Individual Student Grants are accepted year-round.

For questions about the grant application process, please email 
Individual Teacher Grants

Who can apply?: Open to all teachers of TISD | Awards up to $2,000


Application Window & Deadline: Applications are accepted in the Spring semester and awarded the following Fall semester. Spring application deadline: TBD

Collaborative  Grants

Who can apply?: Open to administrators or teaching teams of TISD | Awards up to $10,000 


Application Window & Deadline: Applications are accepted in the Spring semester. Funds are awarded the following Fall semester. Spring application deadline: TBD

Individual Student Grants

Who can apply? Open to qualified students of TISD | Awards up to $1,500 | Applications due at least 45 days prior to event deadlines.


Application Window & Deadline: Applications are accepted year-round and must be submitted at least 45 days prior to event deadlines. 

Strategic Grants

Who can apply? Open to a selected campus, department, or District-wide | Supports an identified need in our schools | Larger grants are awarded in partnership with an external funder. 


Application Window & Deadline: Applications accepted in the Fall semester. Funds awarded in the Fall semester. Fall application deadline: Monday, October 7, 2024


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